Asia Minor

Oh let the gentle rain wash the sky above
I fear then those hunters are looking for love
Too young she screams to let go of schemes
Too old I fear to lose sleep over dreams
Oh your Highness be just and let mercy leave your tongue
I fought all of them and I may have even won
I’m not an enemy of the people
I’m not a friend to the world
I’m a sunset made of armor
An imperial glow
Oh symmetric hearts and gilded hands
Magic’s not magic when it’s all that we have
Her new rising tide has come back from the war
The cities
The castles
Could we dare ask for more?
And eyes are made of memory and erased you all
The higher the ceiling the higher the fall
Too young she screams to let go of dreams
Too old I fear to suddenly appear unafraid
Grab the children
Bring the maid
Let’s leave this place
At once
(The sky, not so gentle, opens like a mouth)
So we knelt at the altar
Paid the church
Joined the choir
Raised our heavenly lips
Raised our broken-down hips
Sang our song
Read our prayer
Asked why hath we forsaken each other
My lover
My child
We were answered aloud:
A thousand sharp daggers cannot slit the throat of a ghost!
Are we loved all the same?
Should we pray again?
Oh the snakes
Slide past
Our path
Is crooked enough
My hands touched her fingers
My back bent like a willow
Will you let me go?
Will you let me know when?
If the eyes can see
Then the eyes can be deceived
And often are
Even the Chief of Police hasn’t a clue
When did this body blossom and bloom?
Why have my memories burst so soon?
When did my life become this room?
When did this room become my tomb?
Even the chief of Police hasn’t a clue
My lover let’s dance
Until our feet become the floor
No one will follow us
Because no one will be able to trace our steps
Solitude and servitude
Why have we slept in distant beds?
Oh let the gentle rain wash the sky above
I fear that the hunters are hunting for love
Too young she said to give up these schemes
Too old I said to lose sleep over dreams
Goodnight my dear
Now that you are near
Sleep is much sweeter than sugar
(Then the sky let the Sun sleep too)